What Level of Object Orientation are you?

I’ve seen a lot of arguments, both in real life and on the internet, about object orientation. One of the problems with these arguments is that people don’t always agree on what object orientation actually is. In my mind, the phrase has three distinct meanings. I don’t claim that any of what follows is the strict academic definition, it is just what I think people are usually talking about when they say “object oriented”.

Simply Using Classes and Methods

Sometimes when people say object orientation, they really just mean using classes and methods. Classes allow us to define composite types and to define functions on those types which we call methods. This isn’t really object orientation. You’ll find user defined composite types in plenty of languages that aren’t object oriented like Haskell. It is nice to be able to define a function on your new type as a method. However the fact that methods can be called only with the appropriate object is really just static typing.

Mutating State

The property that really characterises object orientation for me is mutable state. Object orientation doesn’t really make sense without mutability. Objects allow us to expose an API and abstract away the underlying implementation. This means that the objects we create contain some inner state and expose methods that use and potentially change this data. Many functional languages discourage mutability. For example in F# all variables are immutable by default and you have to use the mutable keyword to make them mutable.

Inheritance and Polymorphism

The final flavour of object orientation is the deepest and the darkest. This is the use of inheritance and polymorphism. This really is unambiguously object orientation by anyone’s definition. Real, old school object orientation will involve vast and complicated hierarchies of classes. You will have to deal with an advanced taxonomy of user defined types.

Inheritance does not only allow for simple code re-use. It allows you to take advantage of polymorphism. This means that at run-time different methods will be called depending on the type of your variable. So you might define a virtual method in your abstract base class, and have a different implementation for that method in each of the subclasses.

This sort of stuff, complex inheritance hierarchies and runtime polymorphism has fallen out of fashion but you will still see a lot of it in enterprise software, particularly at large financial institutions.

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